Center Stand Install

I spent a good part of the afternoon installing the Honda OEM center stand. I also replaced both oil filters and oil.

The center stand kit is very basic and the instructions are minimal to say the least.

The center stand installation is not that difficult. The part that was most difficult was the tension spring that retracts the center stand from the down position to maximum height, tucked under below.

The spring used for retracting the center stand is is very stiff making the installation instructions call for a two person job. This precaution is mainly to prevent pulling the bike over to the right side while trying to install the spring.

Every bit helps trying to get the hook over the stub. I had to insert washers and coins in between the spring coils to expand the spring’s tension. This technique was needed in order for me to get the installation completed.

The main reason for me to get this upgrade done was to allow me to do an oil change on the ground. I also knew it would be needed when I replaced the rear tire.

If it wasn’t for the spring this would have been an easy upgrade. If I had a spotter it would it probably would have gone quicker too. I was hesitant pulling hard on the spring and toppling the bike over.